Your Soul Matters

You are a very special

and gifted soul


Have you forgotten this?


Come now, allow me to guide you back to you, your soul, the magic in you as I support you on your journey home.


My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am. To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance, my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant worrying that I can’t be loved as I am.

Anaïs Nin

Your Fate Is In The Stars

It is only through remembering that God within us is expressed as stable, permanent, non-judgmental, omnipresent and omnipotent that we can find within ourselves not only hope, but courage and strength to align with this force within, making new choices, thus changing our energy to the highest possible level of love expressed.

True joy is the ability to let go and Let God – allowing the light of true beauty – your soul, to flow through you and bring compassion to all of life’s challenges.

Soul Coach

Food for the Soul

Spiritual Learning

Spiritual Living

Feeling exhausted, lost, or searching for purpose? Wondering what's next or seeking more from life? Let's chat! Call now to book a session with me for:

 Personal Soul Readings

 Soul Development Consultations

Choose to take your power back by embracing this transformative journey.

 Reach out today - you deserve to be happy!

Call +27 66 398 5806 for more details.

Spiritual Journeys

Weekly online Meditations Thursday at 19H30 SAST time.

Monthly Meditations to be held in Hillcrest, Durban, every first Saturday of the month.

Please Whatsapp or call 066 398 5806 for details.

Please join us.