About Me

I am Estelle Koch, currently living in the KZN Midlands, South Africa, with my husband, Lorenzo. I am also fortunate enough to be a content mother to my son who has survived 32 years of my parenting.

I am passionate about the Soul, yours and mine, the very core of our being. My work is both complex and simple, rooted in my love for Spirit and reaching into all areas of our lives.  Limiting myself would be limiting those who come to me for guidance, as we are all so strong at core, at soul level, but the branches of our being reaches far and wide, etching gnarled, intricate images of uncertainty and unanswered questions against the canvas of our unlived lives. The impulses which fire the neurons of our being could never be limited to only our physical bodies, our intellect, emotions, or psyche. These, in combination with one another, play filigree patterns as the leaves of our being flutter in the breeze of our existence.

So, to you, let me be the voice of your soul, your core, your trunk – reminding you that your roots will always keep you grounded, whether in fear or in love; that the waters of emotion will always keep you alive, whether you choose to drink of it or not; that there will always be night time for you to replenish and find your core, your quiet space and your courage; and that you will always be open to the harsh, nourishing light of the sun which seeps into your reality; the flitting birds, butterflies and insects that feed and fire your neurons with fear and flowers, anger and acceptance, courage and colours, challenges and charm.

When you come to me for guidance, you define my role, as I am an open channel for the voice of your soul and, as such, I choose to be representative of your truth, your beauty and your divinity, showing up as a bat threatening to eat away your fruit, someone threatening to steal your flowers, a gentle gardener nurturing the soil in order for you to grow stronger or someone to silently lean against your trunk – exerting just enough pressure to lead you to stand up for your own survival, realisation and flowering. You decide, you write the script for your life, and you choose to listen to the voice of your soul . . or not.

 If I really want to define myself, I could describe myself as many things, such as word merchant, soul companion,  soul coach, spiritual counsellor, mentor . . . the list continues , but ultimately, no trimmings, no masks, no pseudonyms, no fancy words – just me, for that is all I have to offer you and right now I know that that is good enough!

Shooting Star

And so my responsibility to me is to make myself enormous, full of knowledge, full of love, full of understanding, full of experience, full of everything, so that I can give it to you and then you can take it and build from there.