Reflective Writing

Amongst these essays you will find many and varied thoughts, teachings, musings and general meanderings through the landscape of my mind. There are times when it will make total sense as I allow my conscious mine to tap the vast and unlimited information available to all of us for insight, exploration and expansion, but at other times, you may get the feeling that you have haphazardly tumbled – in a total free fall – down the rabbit hole after Alice. Whichever it may be, you will find words, thoughts and concepts here that will inspire, challenge and or motivate you to contemplate the nature of your response to the material, and to hopefully act on it in a conscious and positive way.

The Journey Home
Reflective Writing

The Journey Home

As this day breaks, grey and misty, I feel the sighs of many who are weary, exhausted by the many heartaches, worries, and burdens they

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