
What a big word this is. . . and not really the right one for me to be using.

Clair-psychic may be better, for psychic for me has always covered all the bases in terms of the clair’s- : clairvoyant (see), clairaudient (hear), clairsentient (feel) . . . and because I do all three, depending on the guides who choose to come through, I shall stay with clair-psychic for now.

Although I consult both from my home just outside of Mooirivier in KZN, South Africa and Durban, the majority of my work is done via the internet, Skype or telephonic.

During a reading I may pick up on things that will happen in your future, but these are never cast in stone as my focus is normally on providing you with guidance for healing past destructive or hindering patterns. Your choices in respect of the guidance given, often determines the final outcome of the opportunities presented in the future.

My favorite aspect of doing this work, involves acting as a channel for messages from our Spirit guides, sometimes on topics spontaneously given by the guides and at other times based on questions brought forward, such as the ones included in Channels category.

Be assured that your guides know you better than you do yourself – they always say that they see our lives as a tapestry with the complete picture – both that which has already been embroidered and that still to come – they can see the choices we make also – what part of the picture to complete first on our way to the whole – whilst all we see are the loose ends, the knots and the mixture of seemingly disconnected colours.

You deserve to make the most of your life – and my commitment to you is to facilitate that through the readings.