25 Years ago, I was honoured to be called as a medium for channellings offered as text or dictations by Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters and other teacher guides, using a person as a medium to deliver these teachings to mankind.
Since then it has been my intent to be a pure channel for the guides, angels and/or teachers who work and communicate through me. We do therefore, not edit any of the material in any way.
I invite you to download this material if you so wish, as you should remember always that any information given to you in any way, should resonate with your own knowing. Therefore, read the words, roll it around your mind and more especially around your heart, open yourself and absorb that which you feel may enrich your life through a greater understanding or clarity gained.
May the words in these pages enrich your mind and open your soul to the teachings of the Masters. Since working with these teachers, my own life has grown in rich experiences and expanded awareness. My lessons have not been easy, but they have been worthwhile in ways I can hardly begin to mention.
My prayer is that you will have the courage to be touched in similar ways.
In Love and Light